Calendar, Tasks, and Calls: The Tool for Real Estate Agents with a Busy Schedule Calendar, Tasks, and Calls: The Tool for Real Estate Agents with a Busy Schedule Calendar, Tasks, and Calls: The Tool for Real Estate Agents with a Busy Schedule

Calendar, Tasks, and Calls: The Tool for Real Estate Agents with a Busy Schedule
31 July 2023

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Do you feel that your real estate agenda is out of control and you're overwhelmed by the number of events and appointments you have to handle every day? We understand how stressful and chaotic managing the agenda in the real estate sector can be. You've probably experienced some of these situations:

  • You have so many appointments with clients that you forget the details of each one and don't know how to prepare for them.
  • It's challenging to organise your daily tasks and prioritise the most important ones.
  • You don't keep a record of the calls you make or receive and lose track of sales opportunities.
  • You feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you handle and don't know how to manage it effectively.

At Mediaelx, we understand the difficulties these challenges can present in your professional life as a real estate agent. That's why we have a real estate CRM specifically designed to meet the needs of professionals like you, allowing you to have an organised and efficient management of your real estate agenda.

Calendar, Tasks, and Calls: The Tool for Real Estate Agents with a Busy Schedule

Benefits of having an integrated and personalised system like the one offered by Mediaelx CRM

In the real estate world, every minute counts, and we can't afford to miss opportunities due to a disorganised agenda. With Mediaelx's real estate CRM, you'll have an integrated calendar that allows you to see all your appointments and events at a glance.

Forget about searching for relevant information in emails, messages, or post-its. Now, you'll have everything centralised in one tool. Look at all you can gain with Mediaelx CRM:

  • Have an integrated calendar where you can view all your events and appointments, as well as create new ones, modify them, or delete them. Moreover, you can synchronize your calendar with Outlook to have everything in one place.
  • Create tasks associated with each event or appointment, assign them a title, start date, end date, category, user (to schedule for an agent), client, seller, location, and properties. You can also use an open text box for notes.
  • Organise tasks using "Categories" that you can create, modify, and even assign colors to.
  • Receive automatic reminders about your events, appointments, tasks, or pending calls. This way, you won't miss any details and will always be up to date.
  • Access all the information from any device and at any time thanks to its web and mobile version.
  • Record all events (meetings, visits, key handovers, calls, etc.) and add notes or comments. Inside each client, you'll find the "Reports" tab with a summary of everything: tasks, queries, and sent emails.

Simplify your professional life with Mediaelx and take full control of your real estate agenda

The chaos and stress associated with managing events and appointments are common problems faced by many professionals in the real estate sector. But you don't have to face it alone.

Our CRM is the perfect tool you've been looking for. With it, you'll take full control of your real estate agenda and leave behind worries about missed appointments, disorganised tasks, and forgotten sales opportunities.

If you still have doubts, don't worry. We are here to help you. Request more information now:

  • Write to our email: info@mediaelx.net
  • Call us or send us a WhatsApp message at +34 601 223 257
  • Visit us by appointment at Calle Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, 58, Elche (Alicante)

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