<small>Services</small> Alerts System + Save Searches <small>Services</small> Alerts System + Save Searches

Services Alerts System + Save Searches

Do you receive visits on your property listings but don't generate contacts?
Our Alerts System + Save Searches from Mediaelx can convert that traffic into potential clients, allowing you to collect valuable data from interested buyers through a private area on your website.

Don’t wait for them to contact you, reach out to your future clients little by little

Most visitors don’t feel ready to directly contact your real estate agency. You can wait passively for them to reach out to you, or you can take the initiative and work on turning those leads into real clients.

This tool is very useful for reaching out to your future clients in a smooth and effective way. You will be able to guide them gradually towards their decision to buy or rent, providing relevant and valuable information about the properties they are interested in. When they are ready to take the next step, you’ll be there for them.

<small>Services</small> Alerts System + Save Searches
<small>Services</small> Alerts System + Save Searches

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