<small>Services</small> Send Automated emails + Manual newsletter <small>Services</small> Send Automated emails + Manual newsletter

Services Send Automated emails + Manual newsletter

Email Marketing is still the most effective and low-priced way to drive traffic to your website and receive inquiries.

What benefits do you get?

  • Powerful conversion strategy

  • Dissemination of your properties to a well-segmented audience

  • Brand recall

  • Improves the relationship with your customers

  • Drives traffic to your web page

  • Direct customer contact tool

Newsletter Manual

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Automatic Newsletters

Play the video and clear all your doubts.

Tracking and sending system of properties to customers

  1. We indicate the CRM what type of house our client is looking for

    Through a few simple filters.

  2. One email per week with 6 related homes

    The system will automatically send it to each customer.

  3. Automatic emails with properties of interest

    These will automatically be sent until there are no similar houses left.

  4. Notification when a property is added to the portfolio and matches search criteria

    In the future, as soon as a property joins the portfolio and meets the criteria, it will be included in the list and sent automatically.

  5. External Automatic System

    All emails are sent from an external automatic system to avoid entering anti-spam and blacklists.

Manual Newsletter Submission

Periodically send content of interest to your customers to keep them informed about your company, your listings, services and / or blogs.

  • Easily send newsletter to your clients

  • Quickly create segment lists with contacts who share similar interests or needs

  • The CRM includes an email editor with layouts compatible with any device: professional newsletters with the corporate colours, logo and details of your real estate agency

<small>Services</small> Send Automated emails + Manual newsletter

Contact us

Responsable del tratamiento: Mediaelx S.L.L, Finalidad del tratamiento: Gestión y control de los servicios ofrecidos a través de la página Web de Servicios inmobiliarios, Envío de información a traves de newsletter y otros, Legitimación: Por consentimiento, Destinatarios: No se cederan los datos, salvo para elaborar contabilidad, Derechos de las personas interesadas: Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, solicitar la portabilidad de los mismos, oponerse altratamiento y solicitar la limitación de éste, Procedencia de los datos: El Propio interesado, Información Adicional: Puede consultarse la información adicional y detallada sobre protección de datos Aquí.
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