Have you received one of these emails? Don't fall for spam and phishing scams Have you received one of these emails? Don't fall for spam and phishing scams Have you received one of these emails? Don't fall for spam and phishing scams

Have you received one of these emails? Don't fall for spam and phishing scams
11 November 2022

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Unfortunately, phishing alerts are the order of the day. Lately, we have received several fraudulent emails asking for your email passwords, warning you that you have run out of space, that you have suspended messages in your webmail, or alerting you that your email account is going to be deleted.

Have you received one of these emails? Don't fall for spam and phishing scams

If you receive emails like this, ignore them. They are phishing messages trying to steal your data. They usually play on urgency and usually ask you to perform an action such as clicking on a link, downloading a file or entering your details. It is IMPORTANT that:


Only Mediaelx will send you emails related to your web services and always from known emails such as info@mediaelx, etc. Always be wary of these suspicious emails and if in doubt, delete them or contact us, but NEVER click on them or enter your details.

Have you received one of these emails? Don't fall for spam and phishing scams

We have also detected attempts to deceive you by email in which you are warned that your website has been hacked or that you have been recorded on camera. These emails are always spam and try to steal your data and money. Delete them as soon as you receive them.

Always apply the rule of common sense, don't make rash decisions and of course, never put your details or reply to the message. If you have any doubts, you can always contact us:

  • Phone: +34 966 222 989 | +34 966 161 282
  • Email: info@mediaelx.net
  • Office address: Calle Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, 58 - 03201 Elche (Alicante)

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