Why it is important to respond quickly to portal lead enquiries Why it is important to respond quickly to portal lead enquiries Why it is important to respond quickly to portal lead enquiries

Why it is important to respond quickly to portal lead enquiries
28 September 2022

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How long does it usually take to respond to enquiries from portal leads? Many real estate agencies do not keep track of the enquiries they receive and tend to answer, if they do, out of time, when the potential client has already gone to another competing agency. Immediacy plays a very important role here. The most important.

Waiting 1 day to receive an answer from an agent is outdated. That same enquiry is often sent to other estate agents and the one who answers first and provides a good service will probably be the one who gets the client. That is why it is so important to be the first to reply.

  • You will increase the likelihood of closing a deal with the client
  • The lead will stop exploring other agencies, because yours has already satisfied their need
  • Quick responses are valued as good customer service
  • Good brand image: you will give them a reason to speak well of you
  • You will convey greater confidence and professionalism

Ignoring enquiries from portals or giving untimely answers causes a very bad image, and you will lose many sales opportunities for your business. Potential customers expect to be served as quickly as possible and if they don't get the answer they need, they look to other agencies to help them. It would be a shame for this to happen to you.

Find out how to improve your real estate response times with these 3 simple solutions (and get the clients before the competition does!).

3 tips to gain immediacy in lead management

Check your website, do you have WhatsApp?

Make sure you have this form of contact in your real estate. WhatsApp is a fast and direct communication channel that almost everyone uses. Many people feel more comfortable asking via WhatsApp than calling or sending an email.

The real estate websites that we create in Mediaelx already incorporate this contact function and the results are excellent. It allows to improve customer service, with the option of automatic responses, and to show a closer and closer communication.

  • Have you just realised that your website doesn't have WhatsApp? Contact Mediaelx and we'll solve it right away.

Why it is important to respond quickly to portal lead enquiries

Centralise all portal queries in your CRM

Don't waste time logging into each of the portals and other platforms, and receive all lead enquiries in one place: in your real estate CRM. Many times, we go crazy promoting our properties on different portals and then, we don't make good use of the response management.

The solution is very simple: Receive all the enquiries from the portals in your CRM. This way, all the leads that come from the web and from the different portals will be dumped into the software, allowing you to have a better control of the enquiries received and not answered.

  • Are you still receiving leads from each portal in a different place? Ask us about our "Portal Queries" tool.

Why it is important to respond quickly to portal lead enquiries

Response automation

What happens if a lead contacts us at a busy time and we don't have time to answer? As it is not possible to be in the office 24 hours a day, a good way to keep the prospect's interest is through automated responses. It is preferable to send automatic replies such as "Thank you for contacting us. One of our agents will contact you as soon as possible" rather than leaving the lead without replying.

In this way, the client will know that his enquiry has reached the real estate agency correctly and that, in a short time, he will receive an answer. The CRM - Mediaelx has a system for sending automatic replies that will allow you to save time and keep the flame alive for when you have a free space to answer. This function allows you to choose from 8 different response templates, depending on the query, and send them directly to your customer in just one click.

Why it is important to respond quickly to portal lead enquiries

Would you like to apply these response management solutions in your real estate agency?

Many real estate agencies compete with very similar products on the portals, so details such as offering quick responses make a client choose one agency over another. With CRM - Mediaelx you can improve the response time of your leads and get them to stay with you.

  • Receive enquiries from different portals directly in your CRM (Idealista, Right Move, Kyero, Fotocasa, Zoopla, Think Spain, etc.).
  • Send automatic responses to your leads at the touch of a button.
  • Ordered database with useful information about each customer: it will allow you to contextualise and offer more personalised messages.
  • Advanced searches to access the information you need (you will be able to see the customers you haven't responded to on the same screen).
  • Respond to your potential customers from your mobile, tablet or any device.

With a professional and efficient management like this, you will have it much easier to become the number 1 real estate agency in providing quick responses. Find out now about our real estate CRM and make it happen.

  • Phone: +34601223257 | +34 600 567 207
  • Email: info@mediaelx.net
  • Office: Calle Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, 58 03201 Elche (Alicante)

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